
25 September 2011

Re: [Dokter Umum] Ganggang Kristal


Mungkin agak belebay dg hasil yg ditampilkan menggunakan jamur jenis ini.
Pada prinsipnya jamur ini terjadi dg bebrapa kendala:

Kominasi Bacteria n Yeast (ragi) serta jamur seperti yg disampaikan Wiki:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fermentated water kefir with grains on the bottom and a floating piece
of grapefruit peel.
Tibicos grains. Their average size lies around 5 mm.


*Tibicos*, also known as *tibi*, *water kefir grains*, *sugar kefir
grains*, *Japanese water crystals* and *California Bees*, and in older
literature also known as Bébées, African bees, Ale nuts, Australian
bees, Balm of Gilead, Beer seeds, Beer plant, Bees, Ginger Beer plant,
Ginger bees, Japanese Beer seeds and Vinegar bees^are a culture of
bacteria and yeast held in a polysaccharide matrix created by the
bacteria. As with kefir grains, the microbes present in tibicos act in
symbiosis to maintain a stable culture. Tibicos can do this in many
different sugary liquids, feeding off the sugar to produce lactic acid,
alcohol (ethanol), and carbon dioxide gas which carbonates the drink.

Tibicos are found around the world, with no two cultures being exactly
the same. Typical tibicos have a mix of /Lactobacillus/,
/Streptococcus/, /Pediococcus/ and /Leuconostoc/ bacteria with yeasts
from /Saccharomyces/, /Candida/, /Kloeckera/ and possibly others.
/Lactobacillus brevis/ has been identified as the species responsible
for the production of the polysaccharide (dextran) that forms the grains.

Produknya sendiri kemudian diubah menjadi minuman ringan dg berbagai
resep atau campuran yg memberikan rasa unique.

Nah apakah berhasil baik utk tubuh atau tdk, sangat bergantung dg tubuh
itu sendiri, sama seperti misalnya cuka apel,

Yg jelas meskipun bacteria yg ada adalah bacteria baik, tetapi dg
kandungan ethanol n jumlah candida didlam product, perlu mendapatkan
perhatian lebih bagi tubuh2 tertentu semntara manfaat n kegunaan macam
yg digambartkan sebenarnya merupakan hasil reaksi tubuh jadi tdk
dipastikan mesti demikian hasilnya.


On 9/22/2011 8:22 PM, nuraini nury wrote:
> Kepada para dokter dan anggota Milis dokter umum dimanapun berada.
> saya minta bantuan informasi dan penjelasannya mengenai Ganggang Kristal, berdasarkan informasi di website yang berbahasa indonesia, manfaat dan kegunaannya macam-macam.
> Terima kasih
> Nury
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