Walaupun Kompas memuat dg judul kampanye hitam, tetapi dilihat dari
tulisan bahwa immunisasi adalah investasi terbesar, maka Kompas dlm hal
ini menonjolkan hitam utk maksud putih tentunya.
Nah kalau kita berkepala dingin, baiklah kita mulai menganalisa sendiri
apa sebenarnya yg bisa kita kemukakan?
1. Manusia tdk tiba2 lalu jadi janin, n kemudian siap utk dilahirkan n
harus berjuang sendiri utk menghadapi alam dg segala bacteria maupun
virus yg dimana saja, kapan saja bisa menyerang si manusia itu.
2. Manusia adalah manusia, bukan object atau mesin, yg dg mudahnya bisa
di buat sebagai bagian dari percobaan, maupun produk menghasilkan dana
finacial dg dipaksakan utk mengikuti suatu program yg tertentu, misalnya
dg immunisasi tersebut karena sesungguhnya manusia dilengkapi dg
berbagai organ n system kehidupan yg canggih n memiliki akal budi yg
pintar n apalagi banyak hal bisa diperoleh dg adanya koneksi internet
sekarang ini.
3. Apa n bagaimanakah cara se org manusia meskipun itu masih balita bisa
survive dlm menempuh hidup dg baik n benar.
Maka berkaitan dg vaccine yg berhubungan dg balita n ke 3 point diatas
mari kita tinjau lebih lanjut.
1. developing:
Berulang kali saya sampaikan bahwa sangat penting utk mempersiapkan
kehamilan sebelum hamil itu terjadi dibandingkan asal hamil baru
diperkuat dg vitamin dll nya (istilahnya yg umum adalah obat penguat janin?)
Didalam tubuh yg sehat n berperforma,maka akan dihasilkan telur yg sehat
n berperforma n sperma yg juga sehat n berperforma; dg demikian bila
telur n sperma tadi bersatu didlam tubuh yg sehat n berperforma tadi
apakah yg bisa diperoleh?
Yaitu janin yg sehat n berperforma tentunya bukan.
Banyak faktor yg menganjurkan perempuan utk hamil pada usia diatas 25
tahun dg anak cukup 2 org saja, katanya ini adalah keluarga yg
direncanakan n harus menurut sang perncana yaitu kedua calon org tua n
pemnerintah yg memepunyai andil dg penerangan n para juru kampanye
didlamnya yg menggerakanya, tetapi tahukah anda bahwa bila ingin memilki
janin yg sehat n anak yg mengeliminasi berbagai kesalahan DNA maka
hamilah di bawah usia 25 tahun?
Nah kehamilan yg asal yg penting jadi bagaimana bisa menghasilkan janian
yg baik kalau sang calon Ibu asal dlm mempersiapkan dirinya, karena
takut terbebani, takut utk membesarkan sang anak, dstnya?
secara psikologis, sang janin menjadi tumbuh dlm envi yg penuh
ketakutan, penuh tdk sehat, (karena apakah sehat bila menses tdk teratur
n sekedar "asal" sudah hamil baru dikasi obat?)
Dlm hal ini maaf, saya tdk menujuk pada posting anda yg sdh memiliki
anak, tetapi maksud penyampaian ini karena akan berdampak pada
generalisasi pada kehamilan, n immunisasi nantinya.
meskipun di develop atau dibentuk dlm kondisi sang Ibu yg asal
dipersiapkan, tetapi sang janin toh masih bisa tumbuh dg baik, walau
belakangan kalau mau dicatat sangat banyak kasus kehamilan diluar
kandungan, kegagalan kehamilan n hasil janin yg kurang sempurna
merupakan apa yg mendasari pembentukan janin tersebut.
nah, kemudian setelah tambal sulam dilakukan maka berhasilah sang janin
melewati masa pembentukannya di rahim sang calon Ibu n lahir (belakangan
sangat banyak kelahiran sebelum waktunya terjadi dari bu yg sangat sibuk
dg urusanya dibanding ibu yg memperhatikan n merawat kehamilannya dg
baik n benar)
Maka lahirlah sang anak n sang calon ibu menjadi ibu, dg si anak
membawa segala sesuatu secara pas2an
ironi bukan? secara satu pihak di wajibkan utk immunisasi dg membayar
harga vaccine pada pembuat vaccine, tetapi sang ibu n anak tdk
diperhatikan pola developing nya n dipihak lain dicanangkan bahwa
memilki anak bisa diatur melampaui Tuhan; kalau tdk suka bisa
digugurkan, kalau tdk sanggub, bisa matikan, kalau sanggub diteruskan,
diatur agar hanya 2 anak dstnya.
Anak dg kemampuan pas2 tersebut kemudian seharusnya masih didampingi dg
hubungan bersama ibunya agar tercapai pembentukan system kekebalan tubuh
n organnya, tetapi sayang nya sang Ibu harus kerja secepatnya karena
kalau tdk kerja maka sang anak tdk mendapatkan makanan yg cukup karena
iklan dg susu terbaik (katanya) menyampaikan kehebatan susu bagi anaknya
kalau meminumkan susu tersebut, n dg semangat 45 sang ibu mencari segala
macam cara utk bisa mendaptkan susu diiklan tersebut agar harapan
anaknya menjadi org yg hebat demi kemajuan bangsa???
Sama dong dg program vaksinasi tersebut???
Pada hal mekanisme ibu anak, yg di lewatkan ketika developing, kini
berlanjut karena harusnya sang ibu cukup bermuatan n memilki anti body
yg disalurkan sebagi bahan bantuan lewat ASI nya juga akan terlewatkan
begitu saja dg mengharapkan susu di iklankan, pada hal susu si Ibu yg
sehat n berperforma akan mendampingi sanga anak menjadi baby yg sehat n
berperforma sebelum tubuhnya bisa mengadopsi makanan yg ada dimuka bumi ini.
ironi right? membeli vaccine utk dipaksakan pada hal yg kahiki dlm
manusia dilupakan???
2. Manusia adalah manusia,
Tanpa ada maksud tertentu, baiklah kita pikirkan sbb:
a. Apakah semua manusia itu sama?
b. apakah suatu bahan tertentu akan mengalami hal yg sama ketika sesuatu
dimasukan kedalm tubuh manusia yg unique n memiliki berbagai reaksi,
dimulai dari reaksi pembekuan darah sampai dg reaksi2 berantai yg ada
terutama dg komposisi vaccine?
c. apakah suatu bacteria, atau virus yg dilemahkan memiliki patern atau
struktural yg sama n akan menimbulkan reaksi yg sama pada setiap tubuh n
akan berlaku sama dg bacteria atau virus yg sama yg tdk dilemahkan?
maka ke 3 pertanyaan abc, diatas bisa kita jawab bahwa:
a. Tdk manusia itu walaupun diklasifdikasikan menurut berbagai alasan,
misalnya rumpun (asia, eropa, amieria, afrika, n campurannya); atau
golongan darah (ABO, MN, RH dstnya serta kombiansinya); genetika,
keturunan, dll, tetap merupakan manusia yg unique n tdk ada yg sama satu
sama lainya.
Oleh karena itu maka jawaban bisa di berikan pada:
b. Reaksi terhadap setiap bahan sendiri2 maupun campuran berbagai bahan
akan mengalami reaksi yg sangat berebda bagi setiap manusia walaupun
pada akirnya ditemukan gejala yg sama yg dinyatakan sebagai symptoms
bagis seuatu kendala tertentu.
Karena a, n b. diatas menujukan bahwa tdk ada kesamaan pada setiap
manusia, maka tentu saja reaksi terhadap serangan masing2 bacteria
maupun virus juga ditanggapi secara berbeda oleh masing2 tubuh; n inilah
kemudian menunjukan reaksi berantai terhadap sesuatu bahan yg di
paksakan masuk kedalm tubuh seseorg akan mengalami reaksi yg berbeda pula.
Patern yg di cangkan oleh tubuh terhadap suatu serangan di timbulkan
oleh reaksi tubuh terhadap setiap serangan yg berbeda dg patern n
kekuatan masing2.
Jadi bisa dicontohkan kalau suatu strain A dg kekuatan penuh menyerang
tubuh, lalu dg segera tubuh berekasi terhadap serangan itu, mengumpulkan
semua kekuatanya n membendung serangan n kemudian tubuh berhasil, maka
tubuh mencatat bahwa strain dg patern tersebut pasti memiliki kekuatan
sekian jadi ketika ada strain yg sama, tubuh langsung menyiapkan
kekuatan sepenuhnya utk membendung strain A tersebut misalnya dg
kekuatan B; walaupun kekuatan strain A yg kini menyerang kemudian adalah
A-1 misalnya.
Dg demikian tubuh setelah serangan pertama tadi akan sepenuhnya bisa
menguasi kuman yg sama dg kekuatan yg kurang lebih sama tau lebih lemah.
sekarang kita balik ilmunya, Strain A kita lemahkan agar bisa dipakai
commonly pada seluruh trubuh semua manusia misalnya dg kekuatan (A-10 =
sepuluh kali lebih rendah dari yg sebenarnya), lalu anda bayar vaccine
nya dg A-10 tadi dg maksud biar tubuh anda mengenal strain A tersebut n
beraksi terhadapnya, maka anda berhasil karena strainnya 10 x lebih
rendah, tetapi dlm data base system immunitas tubuh anda, Starin A
adalah berkekuatan A-10 bukan A, maka ketika kemudian hari anda diserang
oleh strain A kekuatan penuh, tubuh anda bereaksi setara dg A-10, n anda
mengalami serangan luar biasa n tubuh anda dg susah payah baru bisa
menaggulangi nya.
Kenapa? ya karena data base tubuh mendeteksi strain yg sama n menurut
catatannya, cukup mengeluarkan anti body demikiian saja, tetapi karena
yg digunakan pada percobaan dg interfrensi bukan sebesar aslinya, maka
tubuh mengenal strain tersebut hanya memeliki kekuatan yg demikian saja;
maka ketika starin yg sebenarnya menyerang, tubuh menjadi kewalahan.
kira2 cara kerja gampangnya demikian.
Nah kuman yg dilemahkan tadi dibuat oleh manusia, n setelah melalui
tahapan tertentu akirnya bisa di cobakan ke manusia, maka ketika hal
semacam dibakukan, anda yg harusnya siap dg strain yg sebenarnya menjadi
pecobaan dg strain yg dilemahkan, n tubuh tertipu sementara anda merasa
secure karena sdh mengalami percobaan dg strain gadungan yg dilemahkan
secara masal tersebut, pada hal tidak demikian, masih mungkin anda
diserang n serangannya yg benar2 serangan sangat jauh berbeda
intensitasnya dibandingkan dg serangan bohong2an yg anda berikan melalui
jadi c. bisa anda jawab bahwa tdk sama.
Apalagi kalau utk memelihara isi kandungan strain yg dilemahkan agar
tetap pada cairan tersebut diperlukan bahan2 tertentu, maka disamping
tubuh anda dikecohkan juga ada bahan2 lain yg ikut dimasukan n beredar
dlm darah dg lantas bila melalui pembuluh darah di modulasikan.
sekarangh kita lihat preconditions pemberian Vaccine:
kita tau bahwa bahwa cara pemberian shok yg dilakukan oleh strain yg
dilemahkan adalah utk mendapatkan reaksi tubuh supaya mengenal strain yg
ada walau bentuk sama tapi dg kekuatan yg lebih lemah yg pada akirnya
ikut menipu tatatanan tubuh, tapi ok lah.
Maka tentu saja supaya tubuh bisa berdaya penuh mengerti akan jenis
kumannya, n membuat antibodynya, maka tubuh haruslah sehat bukan?
nah pertanyaanya, bagaimana anda tau tubuh anak anda sedang dlm kedaan
Ndak perlu tau?
yg penting tepat jadwal?
Tentu tidak bukan?
Apakah tubuh anak anda sama dg mesin sehingga begitu jatuh tempo
maintenace chedule lalu harus dipenuhi?
Dulu saya ingat boss saya punya Mercedes Benz, lalu suatu ketika dia
sibuk karena mobilnya bermasalah dg rantai timing nya.
hasil akir saya dengar dia bercerita bahwa timing beltnya mobil itu
mestinya sdh diganti 3 bulan lalu, tetapi kerana dia pikir ndak masalah
kalau diulur, maka akirnya sampai pada putuslah timing belt mobilnya n
menjadi mogok.
Apakah anak anda sama dg mobil Benz sehingga harus mengikuti jadwal?
kalau ndak akan ada yg rusak sebagai mana ada tanggapan bahwa immunisasi
harus tepat waktu kalau tdk, akan ada kejaidan2 tertentu yg menimpa
kesehatan sang anak?
Apa iya? apakah sang kuman tepat waktu menyerang ataukah sang anak tepat
waktu mencari penyerangan kuman? sehingga harus tepat waktu diimunisasikan?
Ada cerita berikut yg saya temukan:
Suatu ketika saya menemukan kelainan pada seorg Ibu yg masih menyusui, n
mengguide dia beserta 2 saudaranya ke lab klinik utk pemeriksaan USG
gratis karena takut kelainan tadi berpengaruh bagi anaknya yg masih balita.
mereka selayak org kita datang hampir se RT, memenuhi ruang tunggu
didepan lab klinik pemeriksaan tersebut.
ada balita, yg kemudian secara perlahan mulai dibiarkan merangkak maupun
dititah diruang tunggu tersebut.
Nah, tdk berapa lama, karena saya menemani mereka, si balita mulai
dibiarkan merangkak, n tetap dibiarkan ketika menemukan sendal, kaki
meja, n lanti utk dijilatnya.
Dg sendirinya saya mulai berkothbah agar hal dimaksud bisa di cegah,
karena sendal adalah alat transportasi yg sangat gampang bersentuhan dg
partikel sepanjang perjalanan, termasuk berbagai kotoran baik binatang
maupun manusia serta limbah buangan.
jadi dg tdk menjaga sang balita terhadap kontaminasi semacam, berarti
memberikan kerawanan bagi sang balita itu sendiri bukan?.
Maka kita dapatkan ada 3 hal dari penjabaran diatas;
1. kerawanan pembawaan setelah developed sang janin yg kini jadi balita,
sebagai akibat developing yg asal? atau karena persiapan kehamilan yg asal?
2. Kerawanan pendampingan dari sang ibu dg bahan2 yg ada di ASI nya baik
secara sadar di setop atau pun secara sadar tdk dicukupi kandunganya utk
menyertai sang balita dlm mengarungi kehidupanya yg masih sangat rawan,
n membiarkan sang balita harus menyesuaikan diri dg produk buatan iklan
pada hal belum tentu bahan2 itu baik buat tubuhnya.
3.Lingkungan n penjagaan yg mengintai sang balita dg kontaminant n
infeksi yg menyebar
Jadi apakah dg mengabaikan apa yg baru sebagain kita lihat diatas, lalu
dg pemberian vaccine semuanya akan beres?
Bagaimana dg synergy antara kontaminant n apa yg dikandungi oleh vaccine
bekerja ketika sang balita tdk bisa memberitahukan kita maupun sang
dokter yg terpaut schedule, bahwa tadi dia abis makan atau menjilati
sendal loh? atau 2-3 hari lalu baru saja di coba rasanya tai ayam di
tanah lapang tempat dia diajak bermain?
pada hal sdh jatuh tempo nih "harus" di vaccinasi nih nanti kalau telat
bangsa kita akan mundur n cacat????
dibawah ini saya sampaikan bebrapa deteksi ttg hal yg muncul setelah
vaccine berlangsung sbb:
(seperti yg dsiampikan dlm tulisanya sdr. "Ikhsan Zaher"
<ikhsanzaher@gmail.com> n kelanjutanya
*_About _**TRIPEDIA*
in Brief_*
* */Ages/*/:/ Tripedia is a 3 in 1 shot (diptheria, tetanus and
acellular pertussis vaccines) administered to children under age 7.
(See Sanofi Pasteur product insert for recommended schedule and
other indications).
* */Estimated Efficacy/*/:/ The mechanism of protection from B.
petussis disease is not well understood. A serologic correlate of
protection for pertussis has not been established. In clinical
trials, the acellular pertussis vaccine component of Tripedia was
found to have a post-trial efficacy after two doses of 77 percent
and 80 percent after three doses.
* */Use With Other Vaccines:/* In clinical trials, Tripedia was given
simultaneously with HIB, hepatitis B, oral polio or MMR vaccines.
*//*"Data on the concomitant [simultaneous] administration of
Tripedia vaccine or TriHIBit vaccine (ActHIB vaccine reconstituted
with Tripedia vaccine) with varicella vaccine, inactivated
poliovirus vaccine (IPV) or pneumococcal conjugate vaccine are not
available." There is no information in the product insert about the
safey or effectiveness of giving Tripedia simultaneously with
inactivated or live influenza, rotavirus, or hepatitis A vaccines.
* */Commonly Reported Adverse Events/*/:/ Fever, irritability,
fussiness, drowsiness, anorexia, vomiting, and swelling/tenderness
at the injection site.
* */Other Serious Reported Adverse Events/*/:/
Hypotonic/hyporesponsive (collapse) episode; persistent crying for 3
or more hours; febrile and afebrile convulsions (seizures); deaths
attributed to SIDS; enteritis; Leigh Syndrome; adrenogenital
syndrome; nodule/formation of abscess at site of injection;
anaphylactic reaction that can include hives, swelling of mouth,
difficulty breathing, and hypotension or shock; arthus-type
hypersensitivity reaction; peripheral mononeuropathy and cranial
mononeuropathy; brachial neuritis; Guillain-Barre syndrome and
demyelinating disease. After licensure (post-marketing), adverse
event reports include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; SIDS,
anaphylactic reaction; cellulitis; autism; convulsion/grand mal
convulsion; encephalopathy; hypotonia; neuropathy; somnolence and apnea.
* */Contraindications /*
*/(Some reasons Tripedia may _not _be given to a child -- See Sanofi
Pasteur product insert for complete list):/*
Jadi sebenarnya ada kondisi sehingga vaccine tdk di berikan:
*Temperature of 105 F*. or higher within 48 hours of a previous
pertussis vaccination, not attributable to another identifiable cause*
Collapse or shock-like state* (hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes) within
48 hours of a previous pertussis vaccination*
Persistent crying* lasting 3 hours or more within 48 hours of a previous
pertussis vaccinaton*
Convulsions* with or without fever, occurring within 3 days of a
previous pertussis vaccination
Serious *allergic reaction* to a pervious pertussis vaccination*
Encephalopathy* (coma, decreased level of consciousness, prolonged
convulsions) within 7 days of a previous pertussis vaccination not
attributable to another identifiable cause
Children who have a *progressive neurologic disorder*, including
infantile spasms, uncontrolled epilepsy, or progressive encephalopathy
Children with blood coagulation disorders (*thombocytopania*)
*/NVIC NOTE/**:* *Some doctors only vaccinate children who are:
" healthy and are not sick with a coinciding viral or bacterial
infection at the time of vaccination*".
If you do _not_ want your acutely ill baby vaccinated and your doctor
disagrees with you, you may want to consider consulting one or more
other trusted health care professionals before vaccinating.
Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with Tripedia. It is
also not known whether Tripedia can cause fetal harm when administered
to a pregnant woman or can affect reproduction capacity. Tripedia has
not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for
impairment of fertility.
*_About _**INFANRIX*
in Brief_*
* */Ages: /*Infanrix is a 3 in 1 shot (diphtheria, tetanus, acellular
pertussis vaccines) given to children under age 7 (see
GlaxoSmithKline product insert for recommended schedule and other
* */Estimated Efficacy/*/:/ The mechanism of protection from B.
petussis disease is not well understood. A serologic correlate of
protection for pertussis has not been established. In clinical
trails the efficacy of the acellular pertussis vaccine component was
86 to 89 percent.
* */Use With Other Vaccines:/* In clinical trials, Infanrix was given
with HIB, pneumococcal, hepatitis B, inactivated polio or MMR
vaccines. There is no information in the product insert about the
safety or effectiveness of giving Infanrix simultaneously with
inactivated or live influenza, rotavirus, varicella or hepatitis A
* */Commonly Reported Adverse Events/*/: /Pain, redness, and swelling
at the site of the injection; drowsiness; irritability/fussiness;
loss of appetite.
* */Other Serious Reported Adverse
Events/*/:/ Hypotonic-hyporesponsive (collapse) episode; persistent
cry for 3 or more hours; high fever, and convulsions (seizures).
After licensure (post-marketing), reported adverse events included
bronchitis, cellulitis, respiratory tract infection,
lymphadenopathy, thrombocytopenia, anaphylactic reaction,
encephalopathy, headache, hypotonia, ear pain, apnea, cough,
angiodema, pruritis, rash, fatigue and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
* */Contraindications (Some reasons Infanrix may _not_ be given to a
child -- See GlaxoSmithKline product insert for complete list): /*
o *Temperature* of 105 F. or higher within 48 hours of a previous
pertussis vaccination, not attributable to another identifiable
o *Collapse or shock-like state* (hypotonic-hyporesponsive
episodes) within 48 hours of a previous pertussis vaccination
o *Persistent crying* lasting 3 hours or more within 48 hours of a
previous pertussis vaccinaton
o *Convulsions* with or without fever, occurring within 3 days of
a previous pertussis vaccination
o *Serious allergic reaction* to a pervious pertussis vaccination
o *Encephalopathy* (coma, decreased level of consciousness,
prolonged convulsions) within 7 days of a previous pertussis
vaccination not attributable to another identifiable cause
o Children with a *progressive neurologic disorder*, including
infantile spasms, uncontrolled epilepsy, or progressive
o *Apnea* following intramuscular vaccination has been observed in
some infants born prematurely. "Decisions about when to
administer Infanrix to infants born prematurely should be based
on the individual infant's medical status and the potential
risks and benefits of the vaccine."
*/NVIC NOTE/**:* *Some doctors only vaccinate children who are healthy
and are not sick with a coinciding viral or bacterial infection at the
time of vaccination*. If you do _not_ want your acutely ill baby
vaccinated and your doctor disagrees with you, you may want to consider
consulting one or more other trusted health care professionals before
Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with Infanrix. It is
also not known whether Infanrix can cause fetal harm when administered
to a pregnant woman or can affect reproduction capacity. Infanrix has
not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for
impairment of fertility.
*_About _**DAPTACEL*
in Brief _*
* */Ages/*/:/ Daptacel is a 3 in 1 shot (diphtheria, tetanus,
acellular pertussis vaccines) given to children under age 7 (see
Sanofi Pasteur product insert for recommended schedule and other
* */Estimated Efficacy/*/:/ The mechanism of protection from B.
petussis disease is not well understood. A serologic correlate of
protection for pertussis has not been established. In clinical
trials the efficacy of the acellular pertussis vaccine component was
78 to 85 percent.
* */Use With Other Vaccines:/* In clinical trials, Daptacel was given
with HIB, inactivated polio (IPV), hepatitis B, pneumococcal, MMR or
varicella vaccines. There is no information in the product insert
about the safety or effectiveness of giving Daptacel simultaneously
with inactivated or live influenza, rotavirus, or hepatitis A vaccines.
* */Commonly Reported Adverse Events: /* injection site soreness,
tenderness, redness, and increase in arm circumference;
fussiness/irritability; inconsolable crying; decreased
* */Other Serious Reported Adverse Events: /*Convulsions (seizures),
including infantile spasms; bronchiolitis; pneumonia; meningitis;
sepsis; irritability; unresponsiveness. After licensure
(post-marketing), reported adverse events have also included
cyanosis, nausea, diarrhea, cellulits; allergic reaction.
* */Contraindications (Some reasons Daptacel may _not_ be given to a
child -- See Sanofi Pasteur product insert for complete list):
o *Temperature* of 105 F. or higher within 48 hours of a previous
pertussis vaccination, not attributable to another identifiable
o *Collapse or shock-like state* (hypotonic-hyporesponsive
episodes) within 48 hours of a previous pertussis vaccination
o *Persistent crying* lasting 3 hours or more within 48 hours of a
previous pertussis vaccinaton
o *Convulsions* with or without fever, occurring within 3 days of
a previous pertussis vaccination
o *Serious allergic reaction* to a pervious pertussis vaccination
o *Encephalopathy* (coma, decreased level of consciousness,
prolonged convulsions) within 7 days of a previous pertussis
vaccination not attributable to another identifiable cause
o Children with a *progressive neurologic disorder *(such as
infantile spasms, uncontrolled epilepsy, or progressive
*/NVIC NOTE/**:* *Some doctors only vaccinate children who are healthy
and are not sick with a coinciding viral or bacterial infection at the
time of vaccination*. If you do _not_ want your acutely ill baby
vaccinated and your doctor disagrees with you, you may want to consider
consulting one or more other trusted health care professionals before
Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with Daptacel. It is
not known whether Daptacel can cause fetal harm when administered to a
pregnant woman, or can affect reproductive capacity. Daptacel has not
been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for
impairment of fertility.
*_About _**Pediarix*
in Brief_*
* */Ages/*/:/ Pediatrix is a 5 in 1 shot (diphtheria, tetanus,
acellular pertussis, inactivated polio and recombinant hepatitis B
vaccines) given to children under age 7 (see GlaxoSmithKline product
insert for recommended schedule and other indications).
* */Estimated Efficacy/*/:/ The mechanism of protection from B.
petussis disease is not well understood. A serologic correlate of
protection for pertussis has not been established. The efficacy of
the acellular pertussis vaccine component of Pediarix is estimated
to be 71 to 89 percent.
* */Use with Other Vaccines: /*In clinical trials, Pediarix was given
with HIB or pneumococcal vaccines. There is no information in the
product insert about the safety or effectiveness of giving Pediarix
simultaneously with inactivated or live influenza, rotavirus, or
hepatitis A vaccines.
* */Commonly Reported Adverse Events: /* Local injection site
reactions (pain, redness, or swelling); fussiness, high fever
(Pediarix is associated with /higher rates of fever/ relative to
separately administered vaccines. The prevalence of fever was
highest on the day of vaccination and the day following vaccination.)
* */Other Serious Reported Adverse Events: /*High fever that requires
medical attention (In a safety study that evaluated medically
attended fever after Pediarix or separately administered vaccines
when co-administered with 7-valent pneumococcal and Hib conjugate
vaccines, infants who received Pediarix had a higher rate of medical
encounters for fever within the first 4 days following the first
vaccination); febrile and afebrile convulsions (seizures);
gastroenteritis, bronchiolitis; asthma, diabetes mellitus, and
chronic neutropenia; anaphylactic reactions (hives, swelling,
difficulty breathing, hypotension or shock), demyelinating diseases.
* */Contraindications (Some reasons why Pediarix may _not_ be given to
a child -- See GlaxoSmithKline product insert for complete list):/*
o *Temperature of 105 F*. or higher within 48 hours of a previous
pertussis vaccination, not attributable to another identifiable
o *Collapse or shock-like state* (hypotonic-hyporesponsive
episodes) within 48 hours of a previous pertussis vaccination
o *Persistent crying* lasting 3 hours or more within 48 hours of a
previous pertussis vaccinaton
o *Convulsions*with or without fever, occurring within 3 days of a
previous pertussis vaccination
o *Serious allergic reaction* to a pervious pertussis vaccination
o *Encephalopathy* (coma, decreased level of consciousness,
prolonged convulsions) within 7 days of a previous pertussis
vaccination not attributable to another identifiable cause
o Children with a *progressive neurologic disorder *(such as
infantile spasms, uncontrolled epilepsy, or progressive
o *Sensitivity to any component* of Pediarix, including yeast or
neomycin and polymixin B (antibiotics).
o *Apnea* following intramuscular vaccination has been observed in
some infants born prematurely. "Decisions about when to
administer an intramuscular vaccine, including Pediarix, to
infants born prematurely should be based on consideration of the
individual infant's medical status, and the potential benefits
and possible risks of vaccination."
o Children with a bleeding disorder*/(/thrombocytopenia/)/*
*/NVIC NOTE/**:* *Some doctors only vaccinate children who are healthy
and are not sick with a coinciding viral or bacterial infection at the
time of vaccination*. If you do _not_ want your acutely ill baby
vaccinated and your doctor disagrees with you, you may want to consider
consulting one or more other trusted health care professionals before
Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with Pediarix. It is
not known whether Pediarix can cause fetal harm when administered to a
pregnant woman, or can affect reproductive capacity. Pediarix has not
been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for
impairment of fertility.
*_About _**Kinrix*
in Brief_*
* */Ages/*/:/ Kinrix is a 4 in 1 shot (diphtheria, tetanus, acellular
pertussis, inactivated polio vaccines) given to children 4 to 6
years old (see GlaxoSmithKline product insert for recommended
schedule and other indications).
* */Estimated Efficacy/*/:/ The mechanism of protection from B.
petussis disease is not well understood. A serologic correlate of
protection for pertussis has not been established. The efficacy of
the acellular pertussis vaccine component of Kinrix is estimated to
be equal to that of Infanrix (86 to 89 percent).
* */Use with Other Vaccines: /*In clinical trials, Kinrix was
administered simultaneously with the second dose of MMR. "Data are
not available on concomitant use of Kinrix and varicella vaccine."
There is no information in the product insert about the safety or
effectiveness of giving Kinrix simuntaneously with inactivated or
live influenza, hepatitis B, or hepatitis A vaccines.
* */Commonly Reported Adverse Events/*: Injection site pain, including
redness, swelling and increase in arm circumference; drowsiness;
fever; loss of appetite.
* */Other Serious Reported Adverse Events: /*Gastroenteritis,
dehydration, cellulits. After licensure (post-marketing) reported
adverse event reports have also included apnea, collapse or
shock-like state (hypotonic-hyporesponsive episode), convulsions
(with or without fever), injection site vesicles; pruritis (intense
itching); allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis; urticaria;
angioedema; lympadenopathy, and thrombocytopenia.
* */Contraindications/* */(Some reasons why Kinrix should not be given
to a child -- See GlaxoSmithKline product insert for complete list):/*
o *Temperature* of 105 F. or higher within 48 hours of a previous
pertussis vaccination, not attributable to another identifiable
o *Collapse or shock-like state* (hypotonic-hyporesponsive
episodes) within 48 hours of a previous pertussis vaccination
o *Persistent crying* lasting 3 hours or more within 48 hours of a
previous pertussis vaccinaton
o *Convulsions* with or without fever, occurring within 3 days of
a previous pertussis vaccination
o *Serious allergic reaction* to a pervious pertussis vaccination
o *Encephalopathy* (coma, decreased level of consciousness,
prolonged convulsions) within 7 days of a previous pertussis
vaccination not attributable to another identifiable cause.
o Children with a *progressive neurologic disorder *(such as
infantile spasms, uncontrolled epilepsy, or progressive
o Severe *allergic reaction* to any component of Kinrix, including
neomycin and polymixin B (antibiotics).
*/NVIC NOTE/**:* *Some doctors only vaccinate children who are healthy
and are not sick with a coinciding viral or bacterial infection at the
time of vaccination*. If you do _not_ want your acutely ill baby
vaccinated and your doctor disagrees with you, you may want to consider
consulting one or more other trusted health care professionals before
Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with Kinrix. It is
not known whether Kinrix can cause fetal harm when administered to a
pregnant woman, or can affect reproductive capacity. Kinrix has not been
evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of
*_About _**Pentacel*
in Brief_*
* */Ages/*/:/ Pentacel is a 5 in 1 shot (diphtheria, tetanus,
acellular pertussis, inactivated polio and haemophilus influenza b
conjugate vaccines) for children under age 5 (see Sanofi Pasteur
product insert for recommended schedule and other indications).
* */Estimated Efficacy/*/:/ The mechanism of protection from B.
petussis disease is not well understood. A serologic correlate of
protection for pertussis has not been established. The efficacy of
the acellular pertussis vaccine component of Pentacel is estimated
to be the same as for Daptacel (78-85 percent) except evidence in
pre-licensure clinical trials raises questions about whether
Pentacel has a lower long term efficacy compared to Daptacel. (While
Pentacel and Daptacel (vaccines contain the same pertussis antigens,
manufactured by the same process, /Pentacel vaccine contains *twice*
the amount of detoxified pertussis toxin (PT) and *four times* the
amount of filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) as Daptacel vaccine.)/
* */Use with Other Vaccines/*: In clinical trials, Pentacel was given
with hepatitis B, pneumococcal, MMR or varicella vaccines. There is
no information in the product insert about the safety or
effectiveness of giving Pentacel simultaneously with inactivated or
live influenza, rotavirus, or hepatitis A vaccines
* */Commonly Reported Adverse Events: /*Systemic reactions that
occurred in clinical trials in more than 50 percent of participants
following any dose included fussiness/irritability and inconsolable
crying; fever; injection site reactions, including tenderness,
abcess and increase in arm circumference. Cases of encephalopathy
and death occurred in clinical trials but were not causally
attributed to Pentacel vaccine by investigators.
* */Other Serious Reported Adverse Events: /*After licensure (post
marketing), there have been reports of febrile and afebrile
convulsions (seizures); bronchiolitis, gastroenteritis, dehydration,
pneumonia, lethargy/somnolence; hypotonic/hyporesponsive epidsode
(collapse); apnea, cyanosis, asthma,
* */Contraindications (Some reasons why Pentacel may _not_ be given to
a child -- See Sanofi Pasteur product insert for complete list): /*
o *Temperature* of 105 F. or higher within 48 hours of a previous
pertussis vaccination, not attributable to another identifiable
o *Collapse or shock-like state* (hypotonic-hyporesponsive
episodes) within 48 hours of a previous pertussis vaccination
o *Persistent crying* lasting 3 hours or more within 48 hours of a
previous pertussis vaccinaton
o *Convulsions* with or without fever, occurring within 3 days of
a previous pertussis vaccination
o *Serious allergic reaction* to a pervious pertussis vaccination
o *Encephalopathy* (coma, decreased level of consciousness,
prolonged convulsions) within 7 days of a previous pertussis
vaccination not attributable to another identifiable cause
o Children with a *progressive neurologic disorder *(such as
infantile spasms, uncontrolled epilepsy, or progressive
o Severe *allergic reaction* to any component of Pentacel,
including neomycin and polymixin B (antibiotics).
*/NVIC NOTE/**:* *Some doctors only vaccinate children, who are healthy
and are not sick with a coinciding viral or bacterial infection at the
time of vaccination*. If you do _not_ want your acutely ill baby
vaccinated and your doctor disagrees with you, you may want to consider
consulting one or more other trusted health care professionals before
Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with Kinrix. It is
not known whether Kinrix can cause fetal harm when administered to a
pregnant woman, or can affect reproductive capacity. Kinrix has not been
evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of
*_About _**Adacel*
* */Ages/*/:/ Adacel is a 3 in 1 shot (diphtheria, tetanus, acellular
pertussis) used as a booster dose (Tdap) for children and adults 11
years and older (see Sanofi Pasteur product insert for recommended
schedule and other indications).
* */Estimated Efficacy/*/:/ The mechanism of protection from B.
petussis disease is not well understood. A serologic correlate of
protection for pertussis has not been established. The estimated
efficacy of the acellular pertussis vaccine component of Adacel is
difficult to determine from available data. See product insert for
more information.
* */Use with Other Vaccines:/* In clinical trials, Adacel was given
with hepatitis B or inactivated influenza vaccine. "The safety and
effectiveness of concomitant administration of Adacel with other
vaccines has not been evaluated." There is no information in the
product insert about the safety or effectiveness of giving Adacel
simultaneously with live influenza, meningococcal, HPV, MMR,
varicella, hepatitis A, inactivated polio or other vaccines.
* */Commonly Reported Adverse Events: /*In clinical trials, most
common reactions were pain at the injection site, including
swelling; fever (especially in adolescents); headache; body
aches/muscle weakness; fatigue; chills, sore and swollen joints;
nausea, lymph node swelling.
* */Other Serious Adverse Events/*: After licensure (post-marketing),
adverse event reports include severe injection site swelling,
bruising, sterile abscess; facial palsy; convulsion; syncope
(fainting); parasthesia; Guillain-Barre syndrome; myelitis;
anaphylactic reaction; hypersensitivity reaction (angioedema, rash,
hypotension); urticaria; muscle spasm; myocarditis.
* */Contraindications (Some reasons why Adacel may _not_ be given to a
child or adult -- See Sanofi Pasteur product insert for complete list):
o *Moderate or severe acute illness* (with or without fever) until
the illness resolves;
o *Serious allergic or hypsensitivity reaction* to a pervious shot;
o *Encephalopathy* (coma, decreased level of consciousness,
prolonged convulsions) within 7 days of a previous pertussis
vaccination not attributable to another identifiable cause;
o In adolescents, a *progressive neurologic disorder,* including
progressive encephalopathy or uncontrolled epilepsy (convulsions);
o In adults, an *unstabled neurologic condition*, such as
cerebrovascular events and acute encephalopathic conditions;
o Severe *allergic reaction* to any component of Adacel.
Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with Adacel. It is
not known whether Adacel can cause fetal harm when administered to a
pregnant woman, or can affect reproductive capacity. Adacel has not been
evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of
*_About _**Boostrix*
in Brief_*
* */Ages/*/:/ Boosterix is a 3 in 1 shot (diphtheria, tetanus,
acellular pertussis) used as a booster dose (Tdap) for children and
adults 10 years and older (see GlaxoSmithKline product insert for
recommended schedule and other indications).
* */Estimated Efficacy/*/:/ The mechanism of protection from B.
pertussis disease is not well established. A serologic correlate for
protection from pertussis has not been established. The estimated
efficacy of the acellular pertussis vaccine component of Boosterix
is difficult to state from available data. See product insert for
more information.
* */Use With Other Vaccines: /*In clinical trials, Boostrix was given
with inactivated influenza vaccine (Fluarix) and the efficacy for
the pertussis component was lowered. There is no information in the
product insert about the safety or effectiveness of giving Boostrix
simultaneously with live influenza, MMR, varicella, meningococcal,
HPV, hepatitis B, hepatitis A, inactivated polio or other vaccines.
* */Commonly Reported Adverse Events: /* In pre-licensure clinical
trials, pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, increase
in arm circumference of injected arm; headache; fatigue;
gastrointestinal symptoms.
* */Other Serious Adverse Events: /*There was one case of diabetes
that developed after Boostrix in clinical trials. After licensure
(post marketing) adverse event reports have included extensive
inflammation, swelling of injected limb, nodule, itching;
encephalitis (brain inflammation); convulsion; facial palsy;
lymphadenitis; lymphadenopathy; myocarditis; arthralgia; back pain;
myalgia; urticaria; Henoch-Schonlein purpura.
* */Contraindications (Some reasons why Boostrix may _not_ be given to
a child or adult -- See Sanofi Pasteur product insert for complete
list): /*
o *Serious allergic or hypersensitivity reaction* to a previous shot
o *Encephalopathy* (coma, decreased level of consciousness,
prolonged convulsions) within 7 days of a previous pertussis
vaccination not attributable to another identifiable cause
o In adolescents and adults, a *progressive neurologic disorder,*
including progressive encephalopathy or uncontrolled epilepsy
CDC me list out efek vaccinbe dg lebih halus sebagai side effect:
DTaP vaccine (Diphtheria, Tetanus, & acellular Pertussis)
Some children should not get DTaP vaccine or should wait.
* Children with minor illnesses, such as a cold, may be vaccinated.
But children who are moderately or severely ill should usually wait
until they recover before getting DTaP vaccine.
* Any child who had a life-threatening allergic reaction after a dose
of DTaP should not get another dose.
* Any child who suffered a brain or nervous system disease within 7
days after a dose of DTaP should not get another dose.
* Talk with your doctor if your child:
o had a seizure or collapsed after a dose of DTaP
o cried non-stop for 3 hours or more after a dose of DTaP
o had a fever over 105 degrees Fahrenheit after a dose of DTaP.
Ask your health care provider for more information. Some of these
children should not get another dose of pertussis vaccine, but may get a
vaccine without pertussis, called DT. DTaP should not be given to anyone
7 years of age or older.
This information was taken directly from the DTaP VIS
<http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/vis/downloads/vis-dtap.pdf> Adobe
Acrobat print-friendly PDF file [PDF - 43KB]
(This information taken from DTaP VIS dated 5/17/07. If the actual VIS
is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be
updated.) http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd-vac/should-not-vacc.htm
Jadi perlukah vaccine?
Apakah penolakan merupkan black camphain? ataukah justru menajdi penyelamat?
maka jawabnya sekali lagi sangat tergantung pada kondisi dimana ybs
hidup, kondisi dimana sang Ibu yg mengandunginya, kondisi dimana
bagaimana di di berelakukan ketika sedang dlm developing status (janin),
kondisi dimana tubuhnya sekarang.
Jadi mem vaccine bukan sama dg ganti timing belt Benz, harus tepat waktu
n harus, karena kalau anda baca diatas, si pembuat vaccine sendiri
memberikan precautioned.
Lalu suapya anda pro tetapi kemudian anaknya karena satu n lain hal
menjadi generasi yg cacat apa tanggung jwab anda?
Maka balik pada pertanyaan semula:
saya jadi bingung yang benar itu yang mana ? sesuai judul saya tadi..
temen ada juga yang menyarankan untuk tidak melanjutkan imunisasi.. coba
lihat di
pertanyaanya, bagaimanakah ketika balita anda dlm masa pembentukan
didlam tubuh sang Ibu? bila baik n benar, maka kemungkinan besar sang
anak dilengkapi dg system immunitas n struktur organ yg baik pula
Kemudian, apakah sang ibu cukup mengandungi ASI yg baik n diberikan
ketika mendampingi sang anak hingga selesai masa menyusuinya (susu
habis) ataukah "yg penting sudah" kan ikut program??
Selanjutnya bagaimana kehidupan balita anda itu? apakah dijaga
kontaminantnya agar tdk terkontaminasi?
Bagimana perkembang tubuh anaknya, apakah terbilang sehat, sehat pas2an,
cukup sehat, atau bahkan kekuarngan segalanya seperti ketika didlam
lalu apakah anda bisa menjaganya sebagaimana layaknya manusia n tdk
menyama ratakan dia si balita sebagai objek yg perlu jadwal ini n itu dg
alasan apapun, semitsal, anak lapar ya menyusu? atau sdh bisa makan ya
makan?, jenis makananya ya disesuaikan dg tubuhnya bukan dg basis
produksi susu atau basis produk manusia masal?
anak cukup dijaga terhadap kontaminant2 baik dalam rumah maupun luar rumah?
Sadarkah anda n org rumah lainya ketika keluar rumah n kembali tdk
langsung mengkontamiansi anak anda tetapi membersihkan diri dulu
terhadap kemungkinan2 baik dari sisi sentuhan kulit, pernapasan,
tenggorokan dlsbnya?
Kalau anda bisa memberikan semuanya lalu kenapa mesti menjadi bahan
percobaan dg jenis manusia baru yaitu anak anda sendiri terhadap vaccine
Sebaliknya bila anda merasa wah cape deh! udah deh di berikan saja! dg
anggapan bahwa pasti beres pada hal belum tentu kerana tergantung
keunikan tubuh anak anda yg di besarkan dg apa yg a/l sdh saya sebutkan
diatas, maka hasilnya bisa baik, bisa juga berbahaya seperti apa yg
diungkapkan sebagai black camphain n white camphain.
Yg jelas yg disampikan sebagai Reported Adverse Events baik common mau
pun seriusly bisa terjadi bila anda gunakan vaccine, sebaliknya hal
tersebut tdk terjadi bila tdk anda gunakan bukan?
Anak pertama ke2 n ke3 saya termasuk org2 yg menolak vaccine tertentu,
walau anak pertama sempat dicecoki dokter anak dg dpt, untung tdk apa2.
Jadi tdk perlu ikut2an org, tentukan apa yg terbaik buat anak anda tentu
dg konsekwensi baik cara perawatan maupun pola hidupnya yg anda bentuk.
Anak anda bukan Benz yg perlu ganti timing belt setiap sekian km, atau
ganti oli, atau diberi bahan tertentu kerna dianjurkan org secara masal
dg tabel keharusan.
Anak anda adalah human, n human is human not an object like Benz
Be natural, lets life no interfrence, by build your own body immunity to
fight viral as well as bacteria.
Timbanglah kegunaan dari vaccine tersebut, n bandingkan dg kemungkinan
epindemi pada daerah dimana anak anda hidup serta kemungkinan
terkontaminasinya, lalu putuskan yg mana yg perlu n yg mana yg kurang
perlu atau tdk perlu dilakukan
sebagai contoh, kalau anak anda sama dg yg saya temukan di lab klinik
ketika pemeriksaan ibunya tersebut, maka anak anda mungkin perlu vaccine
walaupun keefektivitasnya masih harus dipertanyakan demikian juga dg
bahayanya seperti apa yg di kutib diatas.
Jadi dlm tulisan ini saya harap ajakan saya utk memilah n menimbang
tercapai, sehingga pembelajaran tercapai dg baik dimana anda diberi akal
budi n pengetahuan utk menentukan sendiri keputusannya, bukan saya yg
berkampanye baik n buruknya.
Pertanyaan sederhana: Apakah anda yakin bahwa pencegahan anda tersebut
akan membuahkan hasil?,
Karena target masing2 vaccine berbeda utk masing2 kuman tertentu, tetapi
juga perlu mempertanyakan ttg kandungannya.
Baca juga bagian catatan dibawah yg mengisuekan kandungan vaccine tertentu.
© The Canadian Press, 2011
India: Paralysis cases soar after oral polio vaccine introduced / Polio
Drops but leaves a deadly new trail
Read more: http://digitaljournal.com/article/323371#ixzz1vUhDRGCc
mengenai devinisi dlm merk manual ttg vaccine:
Vaccines - Safe or not? Vaccination IS NOT Immunisation !!!!
Polio Vaccine - History and Research:
Protection against Polio Virus itself in most populations is probably
unnecessary. The vaccine should be considered dangerous and of
questionable efficacy, with HP offering a viable alternative for at risk
individuals. All unnecessary injections should also be avoided based
upon the above information. .....
barangkali cukup?
On 5/18/2012 4:39 PM, dio om wrote:
> salam buat semua... langsung saja saya seorng ayah yang mempunyai bayi ,
> saya jadi bingung yang benar itu yang mana ? sesuai judul saya tadi..
> temen ada juga yang menyarankan untuk tidak melanjutkan imunisasi.. coba
> lihat di
> KOMPAS.com - Imunisasi adalah investasi terbesar bagi anak di masa depan. Imunisasi adalah hak anak yang tidak bisa ditunda dan diabaikan sedikitpun. Imunisasi sudah terbukti manfaat dan efektivitasnya dan teruji keamanannya secara ilmiah dengan berdasarkan kejadian berbasis bukti.
-- We care human as human not as sickness object. --.
"Absolutely Drug less Health Care solution Organization" ...
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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