Halo Pak Dio, rekan2, dan dokter2,
Saya adalah seorang Ibu dari anak usia 13 bulan. Dulu saya juga sempat
merasakan dilematis amat sangat perihal vaksin. Surely sebagai orangtua
kita ingin berikan/lakukan yang terbaik untuk buah hati kita. Setiap
pilihan yang diambil (karena anak belum bisa memutuskan) tentunya adalah
hak dan sekaligus tanggung jawab orangtua yang bersangkutan. Tidak boleh
ada paksaan dari siapapun. Dan setiap orang hendaknya dapat menghargai
pilihan orang lain yang berbeda.
Sekedar sharing, saya dan suami akhirnya memutuskan untuk menghentikan
vaksinasi anak saya.
Dalam perjalanannya (sebelum memutuskan), saya sempat dilanda rasa
khawatir/takut. Jika terus vaksin, saya takut anak saya autis/KIPI parah,
di sisi lain jika tidak vaksin saya takut anak saya terkena penyakit
infeksi yang sebenarnya bisa dicegah.
Kemudian saya sadar, rasa takut bukanlah landasan yang baik dalam decision
Berikut ini saya kutipkan saran dari sebuah artikel berjudul "Make your
Vaccination Decisions from Your Core Values not Fear" (
"First, gather the information available in regards to the decision at
Then, put all of it aside and recognize the core of your own beliefs.
Once identified with these life principles, weigh your choices from this
place of knowing.
Choose from a state of trust and conviction consistent with these essential
They are the connection to your strength. From this place of certainty, you
will always choose correctly."
Saya percaya proses alami. Bayi yang baru lahir belum memiliki sistem imun
yang mature, namun akan terus berkembang hingga mature pada usia di atas 2
Menurut pemahaman saya, sistem imun manusia bagaikan pasukan pertahanan
yang menjaga sebuah kota, terdiri dari beberapa lapis pertahanan. Sebelum
musuh dapat memasuki dan menduduki kota, mereka harus melewati halangan dan
rintangan fisik, serta mengalahkan pasukan2 di garis terluar/depan dahulu.
Dengan berhadapan dengan musuh di garis depan, maka pasukan dapat
menginformasikan ke pusat mengenai serangan musuh (siapa musuhnya, berapa
banyak dsb). Informasi tersebut akan diproses untuk mengantisipasi kuatnya
serangan, jenis senjata yang cocok, berapa banyak amunisi, berapa banyak
pasukan tambahan dsb.
Jika pasukan di garis depan tidak mampu menahan serangan, dinyalakanlah
alarm peringatan. Pasukan di dalam sudah siap dengan senjatanya yang
disiapkan spesifik untuk menghadapi musuh tersebut.
Apa yang terjadi jika bayi disuntik vaksin (antigen+chemicals)?
Ide awalnya memang agar tubuh menghasilkan antibodi dengan cara mengenalkan
antigen (dilemahkan). Akan tetapi rute masuknya antigen tersebut berbeda
dengan rute masuknya bibit penyakit secara alami (yang akan melewati
beberapa lapis pertahanan).
Analoginya adalah Kuda Troya pada perang Troya.
"Pada Perang Troya, para prajurit Yunani bersembunyi di dalam Kuda
Troya<http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuda_Troya> yang
berukuran raksasa yang ditujukan sebagai pengabdian kepada
Kuda Troya tersebut menurut para petinggi Troya dianggap tidak berbahaya,
dan diizinkan masuk ke dalam benteng Troya yang tidak dapat ditembus oleh
para prajurit Yunani selama kurang lebih 10 tahun perang Troya bergejolak.
Pada malam harinya, pasukan Yunani keluar dari perut kuda kayu tersebut dan
akhirnya merebut kota Troya." (Wikipedia).
Bagaimana dengan bahan2 kimia yang terkandung dalam vaksin? Meski dalam
jumlah minimal, tetap saja bahan2 kimia tersebut disuntikkan pada seorang
bayi. Hati dan ginjalnya belum sempurna untuk memetabolisasi bahan kimia
berbahaya. Bukankah untuk MPASI bayi saja kita menghindari instant food,
additives, MSG, bahkan gula dan garam?
Jadi, saya dan suami pada akhirnya memilih untuk menghentikan vaksinasi
anak kami, dan memberikan kesempatan sistem imunnya tumbuh matang dengan
baik. Sistem imun anak akan terus mendapat tantangan, misalnya ketika
memasuki fase oral. Ketika masih infant, peralatan minum/breast pump harus
selalu disterilisasi, namun kini peralatan makan minum anak saya hanya
dicuci biasa.
Dengan tidak vaksin, bukan berarti lantas kami berdiam diri. Tentu saja
kami juga melakukan usaha2 dalam meningkatkan respon imunnya dengan
memberikan ASI semau bayi, MPASI alami dan sehat, juga suplemen yang
bersifat alami (misalnya madu, VCO, propolis, dsb).
Teman saya pernah bertanya, dengan tidak vaksin apakah saya tidak takut
dengan banyaknya penyakit2 baru di zaman modern ini?
Justru karena banyak penyakit baru, apakah harus selalu vaksin? akan
terdapat banyak sekali vaksin. Satu penyakit saja strain bibit penyakitnya
bisa banyak. Yang kita butuhkan adalah sistem imun yang kuat.
Dulu saya sempat bersitegang dengan orangtua saya sendiri perihal keputusan
saya dan suami. Namun akhirnya kami sepakat untuk tidak mengungkit-ungkit.
Dan mungkin sekarang mereka bisa lihat sendiri, anak saya bisa dibilang
cukup tangguh. Mertua saya (pengelola apotek) pun heran karena anak saya
tidak pernah sakit, even batuk pilek dan mencret.
Demikian sharing saya. Semoga bisa memberikan sudut pandang lain. Silakan
saja jika Anda tidak sependapat dengan saya, itu hak Anda, dan saya
Mohon maaf jika ada kalimat yang kurang berkenan, saya tidak bermaksud
'menyerang' siapapun.
Dini A. Murdeani
Copy paste dari link artikel di atas:
Make your Vaccination Decisions from Your Core Values not Fear
LEAVE A COMMENT<http://healthychild.com/healthy-kids-blog/make-your-vaccination-decisions-from-your-core-values-not-fear/#comments>
I read Jeanne Ohm's editorial in a Pathways issue and feel compelled to
post it here. It's the wisest advice I've ever read about the vaccination
issue. Pathways is a great magazine for parents, providing excellent
articles and vital resources for family wellness. You can subscribe to
Pathways at this link:
Lettter from the Editor: Pathways Issue 22
Jeanne Ohm, DC
[image: Vaccination
your Vaccination Decisions from Your Core Values Instead of Fear
Several weeks ago, a father in our practice said to me, "I'm afraid not to
vaccinate, and I'm just as afraid to vaccinate." My response was not to
address the list of pros and cons on either side of the vaccination issue.
My response was to have him take two steps back, and understand that any
choice made from fear is made from a skewed perspective and would be
unproductive and unstable. Rather than building on this unstable foundation
created by fear, it was more important that he define his core values in
life-those essential values from which all of his decisions could be made.
Once defined, he would be making a decision from a place of certainty and
Essentially, there are two perspectives about healing. One is
mechanistic-it defines life as a random series of events, devoid of an
organized and intelligent purpose. Sickness is to be treated, symptoms are
to be eliminated, and the body needs expert opinions based on human
knowledge to help it heal. The other is vitalistic. It recognizes,
respects, and trusts in the intelligence of life and the interconnectedness
of this wisdom among all life. Processes of the body are to be trusted, not
feared, and an underlying confidence for healing and proper function is
emphasized. Hippocrates, the father of medicine summed up the heart of this
perspective well, "Humans are created to be healthy as long as they are
whole: body, mind, spirit." People are characterized by self-healing
properties that come from within-an innate healing force. Perfect health
and harmony is the normal state for all life.
It is imperative that we define our core values and consciously make our
life and health choices from the perspective which resonates best with
those values. It is also imperative that we choose practitioners who base
their choices on the same foundation.
In Pathways, we offer the perspective of vitalism-the confidence of an
inherent intelligence that sustains our very existence. Our articles
introduce principles built on this foundation, in the hope that parents
will recognize and resonate with it. Shifting to this paradigm is sometimes
challenging, especially since the majority of health care, news media,
laws, and regulations do not support this perspective. It is hard to go
against what seems to be the grain, and we are often met with resistance,
opposition, and outright criticism, laced with fear and even intimidation.
That powerful emotion-fear-then becomes the motivating factor in our
decisions. But fear is too unstable an emotion from which to make any good
choices. I am reminded of the quote from Bertrand Russell: "Collective fear
stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who
are not regarded as members of the herd."
In 30 years of making life and health choices for our family, my husband
and I have heard all of the arguments used to challenge our vitalistic core
beliefs. When we started having our family, there was little to no
scientific evidence on natural birthing, co-sleeping, long-term
breastfeeding, vaccination risks, and the refusal of drugs for symptomatic
relief. We were labeled irresponsible at best. We were told our beliefs had
no scientific validation.
To us, credibility did not come from this scientific perspective devoid of
any recognition of vitalism. Our validation came along the lines of an
emerging science-one less known, and only sparsely integrated into the
healing arts. Max Planck, Nobel Prize-winning physicist and the father of
quantum theory, acknowledged this new science well in a 1944 speech: "All
matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force…. We must assume
behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This
mind is the matrix of all matter."
Since then, and now in the 21st century, the relationship between this
emerging science and health is becoming more accepted. Although promoted
over 100 years ago by the founder of chiropractic, D.D. Palmer, the
recognition and practice of health care from an inherent trust of our
amalgamation with a greater intelligence is finally emerging. Dr. Deepak
Chopra sums up this perspective well: "There is an inner intelligence in
your body, and that inner intelligence is consciousness. It's the ultimate
in supreme genius, which mirrors the wisdom of the universe."
As for the father and what he chose for his child-I don't know for sure. I
do know, however, that he understood the importance in parenting of
connecting with his wife, going within, and embracing what they know to be
true. My appeal to all parents when making life and health choices for
their families is to do the same. First, gather the information available
in regards to the decision at hand. Then, put all of it aside and recognize
the core of your own beliefs. Once identified with these life principles,
weigh your choices from this place of knowing. Choose from a state of trust
and conviction consistent with these essential values. They are the
connection to your strength. From this place of certainty, you will always
choose correctly.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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