Adas atau Foeniculum vulgare, produk dg seabrek kasiatnya, tetapi perlu
yg dipentingi adalah:
1. hormonal emonogogok, photoefect type of essential oil
2. Irritable, corrosive
3. Toxid dlm jumlah tertentu.
There is no acute toxicity of the ethanol extraction in mice at 0.5 – 3
g / kg or chronic toxicity at 100 mg / kg per day. Interestingly, male
mice gained significant weight while undergoing the chronic treatment,
but not female mice [Shah 1991].
The oil is toxic to
the liver and irritating to the kidneys.
An overdose of the volatile oil can cause
nausea, vomiting, pulmonary edema, and seizures. 5-20 drops of the oil
can trigger convulsions and hallucinations.
Not in pregnancy.
Allergic reactions, while rare, can occur with Foeniculum vulgare. 62%
of plant coumarins come from the apiaceae family of plants; of which
Foeniculum is one genus [Nielsen 1971]. Certain coumarins are known to
cause photodermatitis. Fennel is known to cause photodermatitis or
contact dermatitis. Those who are allergic to one apiaceae family member
are often allergic to others.
Not with estrogen sensitive cancer.
Caution with diverticulitis, diverticulosis, duodenal ulcer, GERD,
stomach ulcer, ulcerative colitis.
Undesirable effects
Essential oils: In some cases it can happen to skin allergies and
The quantity of 15 ml of anise oil can cause: pulmonary edema,
respiratory problems.
At therapeutic doses of the treatment of several diseases in Morocco
often induce epilepsy and halusinasi.
Essential oils in their pure form can cause rigidity (spasm) of
respiratory tract in young children; besides also can cause intestinal
inflammation and irritation.
Nah jadi tergantung jumlah n keaslian produk.
produk minyak Telon sangat sedikit menggunakan campuran minyak adas
YG sdh terjadi, usapkan minyak yg mengandungi costeroid likely seperti
minyak cap tawon jaya, atau bikin sendiri dg kunyit n minyak kayu putih
dg base minyak kelapa (bukan kelapa sawit) baik virgin maupun klentik
(dimasak dari santen kelapa) dimasak sampai kunyitnya matang n larut dlm
Pemakaian saleb (cream) desoxlmetasone tipis2 bisa dilakukan tetapi dg
resep dokter
Catatan, masih untung hasil karya anda tdk menajdikanya problem yg lebih
On 7/20/2012 8:29 AM, rumah_kepik wrote:
> Halo dok,
> Bayi Saya 9,5 Bulan, pagi sehabis mandi air hangat saya beri minyak adas di perutnya (Merk tertentu dlm botol kaca hijau, kondisi baru, masih tersegel, beli di apotek kenamaan)langsung nangis menjerit-jerit, perut dan sekitarnya merah. Sebelumnya saya pernah memberi minyak adas sejak usianya 3 bulan tapi merk lain dg botol kaca putih dan tidak apa2 dok. Bagaimana ini dok, apakah ini karena minyaknya? atau bagaimana? bagaimana mengobati kulitnya agar tidak berbekas? apakah kulit bayi sy sensitif atau bagaimana? itu kena (maaf) area kelamin sedikit sehingga jd merah juga? apa tidak apa2 atau berbahaya utk reproduksinya?
> Maaf dok, mohon jawabannya segera. tks
> ------------------------------------
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23 Juli 2012
Re: [Dokter Umum] Minyak Adas untuk Bayi (Kulit Terbakar)
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