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On Jul 18, 2013 2:46 PM, "sandra indra" <sandra_indra@yahoo.com> wrote:
> **
> salam sehat
> Saya pencinta soya bean/tahu/tempe dan turunannya/. Saya masih bingung
> dengan Genetic Modified atau mungkin sama artnya dengan Rekayasa Genetik.
> Australian Food Newsnewsfeed
> GM soy linked to birth defects, cancer: new study
> * October 6, 2010
> * Josette Dunn
> Monsanto's herbicide Roundup used on genetically manipulated (GM) Roundup
> Ready crops is linked to human cell death, birth defects, cancer and
> miscarriages, says a report released at the European Parliament by an
> international group of scientists.
> The report comes at a crucial time for Australia, where a popular infant
> soy formula has tested positive to unlabelled GM soy and corn, and Roundup
> Ready canola and cotton are grown.
> The report, "GM Soy: Sustainable? Responsible?", highlights new research
> by Argentine government scientist Professor Andrés Carrasco and an
> international coalition of scientists. They found serious health impacts
> from Roundup's active ingredient, glyphosate, other chemicals in the
> formulated herbicide and its breakdown products. The report also provides a
> global overview of scientific papers and other documents on the impacts of
> GM soy production. The new research is published in the American Chemical
> Society journal 'Chemical Research in Toxicology'.
> GM Roundup Ready (RR) soy is now more than 90% of soy grown in North
> American and Argentina, and is also widely spread in Brazil, Paraguay,
> Uruguay and Bolivia. Monsanto's own data shows Roundup herbicide sales have
> skyrocketed since GM RR crops were first planted in the USA in 1996[i]. The
> amount of toxic herbicide now used on soy has public health implications.
> At the European Parliament in Brussels where the report was presented[ii],
> Prof Carrasco said childhood cancer had increased by 300% and babies with
> birth defects by 400% during the past decade in parts of Argentina. GM RR
> soy is grown there to supply European and Australian farmers with cheap GM
> animal feed: "I suspect the toxicity classification of glyphosate is too
> low… in some cases this can be a powerful poison," he said.
> The report also refers to studies that found: the uterus and ovaries of
> female rats fed GM RR soy showed changes; rabbits' kidney and heart enzyme
> functions were disturbed. An intergenerational study of hamsters fed GM soy
> found slower growth rates and higher mortality among pups, and widespread
> infertility in the third generation[iii].
> Bob Phelps, Executive Director of GM-free Australian advocacy group Gene
> Ethics, says the Australian response to genetically manipulated ingredients
> in baby formula is grossly inadequate. "Every test for GM contamination of
> S-26 formula has been positive for GM contamination. Yet our food regulator
> FSANZ refuses to mandate a recall, while Coles and Woolworths refuse to
> remove S-26 from their shelves.
> "This routine contamination requires GM labelling under the law. If FSANZ
> won't act on this false and misleading failure to label GM ingredients,
> then the ACCC should intervene," he says.
> "The Gillard Government must support independent Senator Nick Xenophon and
> Greens Senator Rachel Siewert who both want to fix up our food labelling
> laws. Labels must enable parents to choose baby formulas that that are not
> GM polluted. We call for the Government to ensure the assessment criteria
> of all novel foods, including GM, are amended and to remove the loopholes
> in Standard 1.5 that exempt most GM and other novel food products from any
> requirement to be labelled as such," he concludes.
> http://www.ausfoodnews.com.au/2010/10/06/gm-soy-linked-to-birth-defects-cancer-new-study.html
> Saya juga pernah denger kalau kacang kedelai itu pemicu kanker dikarenakan
> hormon? (CMIIW) Apa betul yg tidak bagus itu kalau soya nya dibuat dari
> Rekayasa Genetik?
> Bagiamana dengan soya yg asalnya organik, jadi kalau kita makan/minum soya
> yg organik itu artinya aman dari Genetic Modifiy? mohon infonya
> salam sehat
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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21 Juli 2013
Re: [Dokter Umum] Tantya Genetic Modify Soya Bean
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